ISAIAH 53:12, ROMANS 8:26, HEBREW 7:25


Our God is always looking for one person that will say yes to His calling, intercessory ministry is a ministry of mercy of great compassion in the church.

Power and calling of intercessory directed by Holy Spirit the partner behind any manifestation in the church of the son of God.

Intercessory ministry is the genie ministry of the prophets and it is the gift given to all mature prophets.

Soul is lusting every day God in His great mercy and divine compassion will help His people through intercession.

Our fasting and watching in the night may not be only for our self, but to intercede for the saints, if the church leaders and the church member always lifted their voices to the Lord when praying for this nation, the work of terrorism, corruption and soon will be things of testimony, one thing I know is that our God had not handed over this world into the hand of satan and his demons kingdom, our God and Lords Jesus Christ are much more alive to hear us when we pray to Hm.

The leader are more with arrow of selfishness in their calling and mission ministry, we need God’s mercy and grace for the church of God now because the church his sleeping on his right duties of their task on earth.

Satan kingdom plan elude because of some saints interceding sacrificially to Almighty God
