Praise for King of kings

Theme: Praise for King of kings

 O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph.

2 For the Lord most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth.

3 He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet.

4 He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. Selah.

5 God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet.

6 Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises.

7 For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding.

8 God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness.

9 The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the earth belong unto God: he is greatly exalted.


Psalm 47

Sorrow is not part of Heavenly plan for all true saints on earth and as long as this is not part of Gods will it would fade away as we persist in His relationship because He dominant His universe. God in His infinite might mercy had given us time to praise and to pray before Him again, though, our circumstances says no! Yet He says to us yes! Because we are created by Him to dominate the circumstances. He’s most powerful in all things, our wide knowledge or wisdom is as the head of the pin in His presence, the race of each generation are subject to Him, in the end for He patiently waiting for the day of execution, He created us to praise and pray to Him alone, but men didn’t fear Him mostly because He didn’t act aggressively to all His being. He’s a loving and caring Father, mankind will forever missing Him and His uncompromising rewards if we missed Heaven at the end of our time. We are His genuine types, His prototype, His images on earth both the masculine and feminine of all creatures. He is the Creation of being in the beginning, and the last creation of the entire ending.
Time is everything here on earth and time is a master programmer of fulfilment for each assignment in the universe. It’s time to praises and also the prayer times in the month of October as MorningStar Apostolic and Prophetic Church here and we are ready to do that for Him alone. Mankind was so shallow for not truly acknowledges because of situations, mankind is so weak because what they see and mankind reason was so low because how terrible circumstances changes wrong against humanity in our own generation time. No time to waste again for we have admitted favor, support and encouragement into endless factions is now available in the Hand of the Father, we are stand by in individual angles as time ushered in for us our mandatory permissions unfinished miracles with Him.

Ministering under the HOLY SPIRIT are:

Lady evangelist Akinjayeju she’s the lady of the millennium with Apostolic and prophetic glory and change people hugely into divine blessing Jesus Christ glory in the town place of Ota in Ogun State. She is a minister and honest daughter of the Jesus Christ and obedient maid Jesus trusted. She’s minister in His glory along with the Spirit of God.

Lady evangelist Titilayo Adebayo she is an evangelist and song composer of the 21st century, she will be there to bring Jesus Christ down on His Throne to meet His people in needs  and in deed and she ministering in powerful song of courage and elevating His  Name,  she will be there live!

Evangelist Tobi Taiwo a chorister in the light Gospel, a messenger in the word and songs. He is a microphone in the hand of Jesus Christ, a great leader of music of 21st century, an instrument of genetic bloodline in the family of holiness, his father is a catalyst of gospel in many home villages, and region of towns in Nigeria, his father trained him and thought him in modification to serve and work for Jesus Christ, all these helps in ushering him to revelation of music unbeatable and word messages unresisting among his mate. His songs is a divine dynamic messages one can not resist as splendor glory govern the atmosphere when he started ministering in the front, the glory hijacked the code of the circumstances while deliverance and miracles taking place to glorify ,Jesus Christ. He minister in dimensional of unbeatable, he will be there live with his band, Olorun Emi Gospel Band.

Prophet Olayemi Elijah Taiwo, he is a Junior brother to evangelist Tobi Taiwo there are siblings. Olayemi Elijah Taiwo is one unique and distinctive as vessel of the 21st Century in our generation. Olayemi Elijah Taiwo is a prophet of the most high, he has mandate of distinction in prophetic mantle. This prophetic mantle in his hand made him a genuine called and chosen vessel unto honor, more radiant in the presence of the Lord and before His people. He has a great insight in word and in deed of the word. He a great illustrator of Rhema and logos of His messages, he’s grounder by the Truth Rivers and streams for many in this generation. He’s a son of prophet Akanbi Jesus, for he was proof in the Truth and mandated a minister of signs and wonders of the old and new testament, he will prove Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and King of kings here!
