Author: MorningStar

MorningStar… The Home of all Stars…. MorningStar Apostolic And Prophetic Church (EagleStar Ministriers) MorningStar An Arm of MorningStar Apostolic And Prophetic Church, We are The Apostolic and Prophetic Calling and Chosen Generation, EagleStar Ministries, LionStar Resouces Network, DoveStar Mandate in 21st Century. The Apostolic And Prophetic Soldiers of Jesus Christ, We are a governing body Soldiers of Jesus Christ, 1, MorningStar Avenue, MorningStar Bus Stop, Tanmola C. D. A., Off Abe Koko, PowerLine, Idi-Ota, Idi-Aba, Owode Yewa South Local Government, Ogun State, Nigeria, West Africa. MorningStar Ministries… Redefining the Travelers Quest, Destiny, Purpose and Experiences on Earth! ordained and chosen to illuminating the Soldiers of quest, power, glory, purity and purpose on territories with apostolic and prophetic anointing on generational transfer, societal reform, national transformation and Heavenly citizen on earth, Rev. 2:28 And I will give him the Morning Star. Rev. 22:12-16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and Morning Star. Deut. 32: 1-14; Acts 2, illuminating:- #1st Dreams & Visions Interpretation, #1st Revelations Interpretation, #1st Salvation, #1st Prophesy, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, #1st Holy Spirit Gifts & Anointing, #1st Breaking satanic yokes, #1st MorningStar Church, #1st MorningStar Apostolic, #1st MorningStar Prophetic, #1st MorningStar Revelation Church, #1st MorningStar Dreams, #1st MorningStar Ministries, #1st Power of Holy Spirit as of Old, #1st Revival of Fire, Crusader, Faith, Miracles, #1st Soul Winner, #1st Signs & Wonders, #1st Destinies & Purposes Discovery, #1st Solutions of all physical & spiritual problematic, #1st Healing & Deliverance from demonic lives & Properties, #1st Glory Grace of Apostolic & Prophetic Move (Apostolic & Prophetic Songs, Poem, Poetry, #1st Mountain & Aggressive Prayer Ministries, Intercessor, #1st Warrior for Christ, #1st Holiness,#1st Sanctification, #1st Heavenly Citizen, #1st Angelic Ministries, #1st Jesus Christ Armies, #1st Apostolic & Prophetic Doctor, #1st Prophets In The Market, #1st Prophets Are Super Entrepreneur Minister Of Jesus, #1st Apostolic & Prophetic Counselor, #1st Church & Ministries Doctor, #1st Philadelphia & Laodicean Church Mentorship, #1st Apostolic & Prophetic Fatherhood Mentorship, Leadership in Advance, #1st Spiritual Guardian & Divine Direction, #1st Soldiers of Christ, #1st Apostolic & Prophetic writer, #1st Apostolic & Prophetic Calling of the Nations & Jesus Christ Global Frontier Mission), #1st The Gift of the Chosen Matured Apostles & Prophets, #1st End-Time Messangers and Apocalypse Revelation of Jesus Christ Coming, #1st College of Seer (prophets), #1st A complete evidence Supernatural in Christ Jesus, #1st Prophet is the church Doctor, #1st Prophetic Research & Resources, #1st Prophetic Ministries is the vitality of Churches, #1st Understanding Your Prophet, #1st Sons and Daughters of prophet, #1st Seer & Prophet Apocalyptic, #1st Prophet Distinctions, #1st Prophetic Messages, #1st Prophet Builders, #1st House Of Prophet, #1st Prophetic Perspective, #1st Prophetic Mission, #1st Prophetic Agencies, #1st Church Prophetic Solutions, #1st Prophetic Organization, #1st Prophetic Clinic, #1st Prophet And prophetic Directive, #1st Prophetic Illuminations, #1st Prophetic Studies, #1st Prophetic Rhema, #1st Prophetic Logos, #1st Prophetic Government, #1st Prophetic Business, #1st Prophetic Reformation, #1st Prophetic Transformation, #1st Prophetic Quest, #1st Prophetic Kingdoms, #1st Prophetic Books, #1st Prophetic Subject, #1st True prophetic Calling, #1st Secure Prophetic Future Today, #1st Schools of the Seer and Prophets, #1st College of Seer and Prophets, #1st University of art in Prophetic Calling an Prophetic Ministries, #1st Understanding the Prophetic Calling and Prophetic Gifts, #1st Purpose of Prophetic Ministries, #1st Apostolic and Prophetic Ministries, #1st School of Prophetess and Prophetess Advancement, #1st Prophetic Ministries in Deliverance Ministering, #1st Prophetic Faith, Knowledge, Understanding, #1st Wisdom of The Prophetic Move, #1st The Prophetic Realm, #1st The Prophetic Ministries In The Old Testament, #1st Prophetic Ministries In The New Testament, #1st The Prophetic Word, #1st Prophetic Intercessor, #1st Prophetic Power, #1st Prophetic Songs, #1st Prophetic Poem, #1st Prophetic Poetry, and #1st Prophetic Similitude's, #1st Prophetic Healing School, #1st Ministering Prophetically, #1st The Prophetic Church, #1st Power of Prophetic Teams, #1st Women in Prophetic Ministries, #1st Children In Prophetic Ministries And Church, #1stThe Making of A Prophet in The Last Day,#1st God Restoring The Prophetic Ministries In The Church, #1st Learn How To Flow In The prophetic Calling And Gifts, #1st Develop A Strong Prophetic Ministries, #1st Prophetic Nations And Kingdoms, #1st Prophetic Offices, #1st Prophets In The Market, #1st Prophets Are Super Entrepreneur Pioneer, #1st Prophetic Governmental, #1st Seer-Prophet, #1st Prophet Hear God or satan, #1st Dreams, Visions And Revelation Interpretation, #1st Prophetic Experience, #1st God’s Audible Voice, Prophet And Jesus Christ, #1st Creativity In The prophetic Ministries, #1st Prophetic Anointing, #1st Prophetic Supernatural, #1st Prophetic Demonstrations, #1st Prophetic Influence, #1st Prophetic Leadership, Prophetic Judgments, #1st Distinguishes Prophetic Ministries, #1st Fulfilling Prophetic Calling And Ministries, #1st Advancing Seminar And LeaderShip In Prophetic Ministries, #1st Prophet is the Church Doctor, #1st Prophetic Research & Resources, #1st Prophetic Ministries is the vitality of Churches, #1st Understanding Your Prophet, #1st Sons and Daughters of Prophet, #1st Seer & Prophet Apocalyptic, #1st Prophet Distinctions, #1st Prophetic Messages, #1st Prophet Builders, #1st House Of Prophet, Prophetic Perspective, Prophetic Mission, #1st Prophetic Agencies, #1st Church Prophetic Solutions, #1st Prophetic Organization, Prophetic Clinic, Prophet And Prophetic Directive, #1stProphetic Illuminations, Prophetic Studies, Prophetic Rhema, Prophetic Government, Prophetic Business, Prophetic Reformation, Prophetic Transformation, Prophetic Quest, Prophetic Kingdoms, Prophetic Books, Prophetic Subject, True prophetic Calling, Secure Prophetic Future Today, presbyter (in the Episcopal Church) minister of the second order, #1st Apostle/Prophet Akanbi Jesus Adekanbi Ministries.


2024 OUR YEAR OF NEW REALM OF UNDISPUTED ENLARGEMENTS ON EARTH 2 SAMUEL 22 Welcome to the mostly beginning of the greater quest in of undisputed realm of the mighty enlargements on earth. God Almighty had redeemed us to flourish in the hard time like this. 2024 is the new realm in undisputed enlargements. Why […]


REVELATION 22: 1 – 21 First Experience: A glimpse within the New Jerusalem in the story of Revelation 21, we had a brief description of that most glorious city, called the Holy City, New Jerusalem. This described the cities outside appearance, size and construction. In our lesson now we get little glimpse of the inside […]


Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number:   Job 5:9 The uncommon things on earth are the glory from Jesus Christ because it’s praise from anybody in Heaven on the history of the earth. God in His fully eternal mercy will occupy the earth again in our time to help us discover […]

Praise for the King of kings

Sorrow is not part of Heavenly plan for all true saints on earth and as long as this is not part of Gods will it would fade away as we persist in His relationship because He dominant His universe. God in His infinite might mercy had given us time to praise and to pray before […]


Isaiah 55: 4 Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. 5 Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; […]

Happy Home – The Paradise On Earth

Scriptures: Ephesians 5; Colossian 3 If a Christian will make Heaven, he must endeavor to make his family, a peaceful; home. Gods plan for the coming together of husband and wife is the home to be happy all through. Unfortunately, this has not come to fulfillment in many homes. Some husband and wives lives together […]


Much of human happiness comes through accompliment. For instant, if you decide to learn to play keyboard and keep at it until you can, then you get enjoyment from it. But if you quit soon after starting you never get that pleasure and satisfaction. The same is time of any understanding that requires picture and […]


Galatians 5: 16 – 26; 6: 1 – 10 INDRODOCTION: walk in this Spirit When one is converted, he is born of the Spirit. But birth is only a beginning. Walking in the Spirit is necessary in order to maintain spiritual life. Jesus taught a way of self-denial. Paul testified that he kept his body […]


REV. 2: 18 – 29 18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; 19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and […]


THE LORD IS MY SHEPHARD Ps 23 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 4 Yea, though I […]


James 1: 1 – 21 1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. 2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patience have […]


Acts 17:22-34 22 Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Now […]


THE GOD OF OUR FATHERS (ACTS 3: 13) God the Almighty sent a one great messenger to the earth since the beginning of the creation and his name is time. Time is everything, time is past, time is present and time is the future and the future is here which is now! Praise and prayer […]


 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Matt 7:15-16. Have ever walked up to a house to knock on the door, you see a sign “beware of dog”? […]


RESTORING THE LOST GLORY (GENESIS 3) THE ANNUAL SEVEN DAYS OF ALL NIGHT @ MIDDLE OF EACH YEAR   IN WHICH WE ARE CALLED TO WAIT IN PRAYER FOR GOD ALMIGHTY Restoring the Lost Glory of mankind in the 21st century (Genesis 3) Few people among Mankind had been wondering around to discover the particular treasure […]


This site comes to you with a fresh angle on the subject of FAITH. It offers profound insights into it trials, and triumphs, and puts the spotlight on God’s character and His Word. Here is just one brief example of how Scripture illuminating the relationship between faith and feeling. When danger looms large, fear is […]


God the Almighty sent a one great messenger to the earth since the beginning of the creation and it name is time. Time is everything, time is past, time is present and time is the future and the future is here which is now! Praise and prayer night of thunderbolt is the manifestation encounter, God […]
